Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults


If you are interested in joining the Catholic faith, you have reached the right place.  And if you are assisting a friend or family member in their own spiritual journey, you have also reached the right place. Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic community welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds as they continue on their journey with God.

Adults who feel called to continue their faith journey to full initiation in the Roman Catholic Church are encouraged to enter the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).  As a close-knit group of candidates and sponsors, this group journeys together in faith and celebrates the Sacraments in the Easter Season- the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

From a past Rite of Election with Bishop Dennis Madden.

From a past Rite of Election with Bishop Dennis Madden.

Sacraments of RCIA

Through Baptism the catechumens become Christians, being formed into People of God, adopted children of the Father, with their sins forgiven. 

Through Confirmation they become more perfectly the image of the Lord, since they are signed with the gifts of the Spirit, actually filled with the Spirit that allows them to give witness to their faith. 

Then they share in Christ's sacrifice by receiving the Holy Eucharist at the altar of the Lord, expressing the unity of the People of God.  Through these three Sacraments, the recipients achieve Christian maturity, enabling them to fulfill their mission in the Church and the world.

Do you feel called?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is looked upon as a spiritual journey for the adults.  Three major stages occur:

  1. Those involved learn of the Church, indicate an interest and a desire to become Catholic, and are eventually accepted as catechumens.

  2. During the catechumenate their faith grows while they are more fully instructed and receive various rites connected with catechesis. The completion of this state is the day of the Rite of Election when they are presented to the Bishop.

  3. When their spiritual preparation is satisfactory, these people are presented to the pastor and receive the three above mentioned sacraments.

 Children, ages seven and up, are also a part of an adapted Rite of Christian Initiation.

 Our lives go through times of closeness to God and distance from him. Yet God the Father’s love is steadfast and ever-present to those who seek with a sincere heart, no matter what sins or situations have caused separation.

If you have thought about becoming Catholic we invite you to contact the Parish Office at 410-792-7982 or send an email.

 Helpful Resources:

  • All forms are available at the Parish Office.

  • Sessions for Spanish speakers occur on Mondays, beginning September 11, 2023, at 7:00pm in theParish Hall.

  • Sessions for English speakers are being planned.

  •  We are looking for Sponsors from our Parish. We invite you to share your gifts and time with those seeking to learn the faith through your life story. 

    • Contact the Parish office for this opportunity