You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you; then you are to be my witnesses. Acts 1:8

The sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. By the sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed. (CCC. 1285)

The Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through this sacrament we receive the strength and comfort of the Holy Spirit to help us meet the challenges and demands we may face as mature Christians. The prophets of the Old Testament foretold that God's Spirit would rest upon the Messiah to sustain his mission. Their prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus the Messiah was conceived by the Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus on the occasion of his baptism by John. Jesus' entire mission occurred in communion with the Spirit. Before he died, Jesus promised that the Spirit would be given to the Apostles and to the entire Church. After his death, he was raised by the Father in the power of the Spirit. Confirmation is the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit as once granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost. The sacrament brings Catholics a deepening of baptismal grace and unites us more firmly to Christ. It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit and leaves an indelible mark on the soul just like baptism. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit received through Confirmation are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, courage, counsel, piety, and fear of the Lord. Catholic Confirmation is performed by the bishop extending his hand over the one to be confirmed and anointing his or her head with the oil of chrism saying, “be sealed with the Holy Spirit.” The actual Confirmation ceremony is performed as part of a full Mass. The oil of chrism is consecrated by the bishop at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday and is reserved for special things like Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, blessing of tower bells, consecration of churches, altars, chalices and patens. Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. We receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service.

Confirmation Preparation at Resurrection of Our Lord

When is Confirmation?

Confirmation takes place at Resurrection Of Our Lord every other year in odd numbered years. The bishop visits in the spring, usually May.

Who is a candidate?

High school students who have not yet received the sacrament of Confirmation, and are seeking to discern whether reception of the sacrament is right for them at this time. Youth are eligible to prepare for Confirmation at Resurrection Of Our Lord if: 1. they are in high school (whether attending a Catholic or non-Catholic high school); 2. they are baptized Catholic, received First Eucharist, and received the sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance or Confession); 3. they participate in weekly Mass; 4. they commit to on-going faith formation by participating in Youth Ministry for two years; 5. they desire to grow in faith and seek Confirmation of their own freewill; and 6. they understand that Confirmation demands an ongoing response and desire for life-long spiritual formation.

How do candidates prepare?

All candidates will prepare by engaging in the following events and activities: Participating in Youth Ministry for two years. Successfully completing an interview with a priest or deacon to determine readiness. Choosing a sponsor and completing sponsor activities. Engaging in two meaningful service activities in the parish or in the community. Attending a spiritual retreat with the Confirmation class. Selecting a saint’s name as the Confirmation name. Attend Confirmation preparation classes. Writing an essay about the selected saint. Writing a letter to the Bishop, if requested.

What is the cost for Confirmation preparation?

Cost for Confirmation preparation is $200.00. It covers the retreat, program materials, and costs associated with the Mass to include a professional photographer.

If you are an adult interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Deborah Gardner, Coordinator of Religious Education at

“For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the LORD—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11